It is safe to say that you are Communicating With Your Spouse About Homeschooling

•Consider exploring other instructive choices

•Decide how included he or she needs to end up (e.g. show subjects, plan or review lessons)

•Discuss how self-teaching may affect your work routines

•Determine how self-teaching could influence your livelihoods

•Discuss conceivable self-teach plans

•Determine what other relatives or companions would bolster your self-teach

Obtaining The Support You Need

Hopefully, your spouse will become your biggest supporter. You might be pleasantly surprised, they may have many valuable ideas to contribute. If not, research the issues or concerns that restricts him from providing the support you need.

Our Story

My husband was absolutely clueless, when I approached him about the idea of homeschooling. To be honest, I didn’t know much myself, but I was very excited about the prospect. Many of the homeschooled children I met seemed plainly well-behaved and highly intelligent.

We researched the topic together for almost a year and then began our homeschool journey. I continued working outside the home because we couldn’t afford the loss of income at the time. The timing of our decision was critical with respect to our daughters health.

Our Plans

We decided that I would be responsible for preparing the assignments. My husband taught certain subjects during the day. I taught the other subjects later in the evening. Our days were beyond long and seriously challenging. However, we were intent to make it work.

Decisions In Action

Teaching your children at home takes effort and requires a huge time commitment. Are you both up for the challenge? This may mean limited or no employment. Is that a viable option for your family?

I have met families where both parents work. I think it takes incredible creativity to find balance. Many homeschool families often live on one income, while others jointly run a family business.The best thing to do is pursue options that best suits your family.

Who says homeschooling should occur only during the week and between the hours of X and Z? You control your homeschool. You set the schedule most conducive for your family. Always review your state homeschool laws to assure compliance.

Can It Work?

Expect change and stay flexible as plans won’t always work. Eventually my husband switched jobs and his hours no longer allowed him to directly be involved in teaching during the week. Instead, he worked with the children during the weekend.

Joint Forces

It’s very important to communicate with your spouse. Your children will greatly benefit when you work together in supportive ways. Doing so actually helps decrease unnecessary conflict and distractions.